Cairo: 30 October 2019

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) released today a report monitoring examples of the bright promises made by the Egyptian government officials to their citizens since 2014. This includes promises of improving the country’s conditions and basic services and facilities, many of which involve time-bound action plans. Although all of these promises has yet to be fulfilled, the Egyptian regime continue to spew out empty promises, starting from the President of the Republic, ministers and officials to the Egyptian media, which has mostly become affiliated with the state apparatus.

The report, entitled “The regime’s plans are merely castles in the air! About promises of prosperity that hasn’t been achieved and living conditions that have worsened even further”, entails seven promises made by Egypt’s President since he took the reins of power, flowed in chronological order, which shows that he was unable to keep any of them. The report also includes five promises made by some government officials, none of whom managed to keep any of their vows, just like the President. The report concludes by outlining five statements made by media professionals that follow the same pattern of making false promises of future prosperity and economic improvement, among other broken promises.

ANHRI said:”This report is issued at a time the regime apparently failed to protect citizens from the vagaries of the weather despite warnings by the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) beforehand. The recent rainfall exposes the deterioration of the roads network in Egypt and the country’s poor infrastructure, which left 8 citizens dead and several buildings and properties in different cities destroyed.”

You can read the report through the following link: 

The regime’s plans are merely castles in the air…

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