Date |
Details |
2 - October 2018 |
3 - October 2018 |
4 - October 2018 |
7 - October 2018 |
8 - October 2018 |
24 - October 2018 |
Detention renewal of Dr. Abdel Khalek Farouk and another defendant
South Cairo Incidents Prosecution, South Cairo Court of First Instance, number of defendants 2
The detention renewal of Dr. Abdel Khalek Farouk and Ibrahim Hassan pending case No. 334 of 2018 South Cairo Petitions.
Charges: Possession of publications containing false news and spreading false news.
25 - October 2018 |
Helwan Brigades
Cairo Criminal Court, Police Cadets Institute, number of defendants 215
Charges: Assuming leadership of a group established contrary to the provisions of the law, the purpose of which is to call for disrupting the provisions of the constitution and laws, preventing state institutions and public authorities from carrying out their duties, attacking citizens’ personal freedoms and the public rights and freedoms provided for by the constitution and harming national unity and social peace
28 - October 2018 |
Retrial of a defendant in Mohammed Mahmoud incidents
Cairo Criminal Court, Police Cadets Institute, number of defendants 1
Charges: Killing a police deputy in Mohamed Mahmoud Street, trespassing on public and private property, display of force, gathering and demonstrating without permission
From the 10 September 2018 hearing for handing down the verdict.
Detention renewal of Usama Ismail
Imbaba Prosecution, Taj al-Duwal Court, number of defendants: one
The detention renewal of Usama Ismail pending case no. 7996 of 2018 Imbaba Administrative.
Charges: Joining a group established contrary to the provisions of the law, spreading false news and insulting the President of the Republic.
Detention renewal of activist Amal Fathy
State Security Prosecution, Fifth Settlement, one defendant
The detention renewal of activist Amal Fathy pending case no. 621 of 2018 State Security
Charges: Joining a group established contrary to the provisions of the law and spreading false news.
Retrial of defendants in Sudan Street incidents
Giza Criminal Court, Police Academy, number of defendants 3
Charges: Joining the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group, participating with unknown persons in a gathering of more than five people to threaten the public peace, committing murder, vandalizing civilian property, influencing public officials in the performance of their work, disrupting traffic and transportation, demonstrating without obtaining a license and possession of firearms, ammunition, explosives and masks to hide their faces at the time of the demonstration.
From the 29 September 2018 hearing to continue the defense pleadings
Alexandria's Municipality Bribe
Cairo Criminal Court, Fifth Settlement, number of defendants 7
Charges: Committing the crimes of soliciting and receiving financial bribes by a public official to perform one of his duties, to mishandle one of his tasks, and forging and using an official document
From the 23 September 2018 hearing for the prosecution’s statement.
Alexandria's Municipality Bribe
Cairo Criminal Court, Fifth Settlement, number of defendants 7
Charges: Committing the crimes of soliciting and receiving financial bribes by a public official to perform one of his duties, to mishandle one of his tasks, and forging and using an official document
From the 23 September 2018 hearing for the pro
29 - October 2018 |
The assassination attempt of the assistant public prosecutor
The Military Court, Police Cadets Institute, number of defendants 304
Charges: Establishing and leading a terrorist gang, killing army officers, police officers, clerics, members of the judiciary and prosecutors.
From the 22 October 2018 hearing to continue the defense pleadings
Retrial of defendants in "The Faculty of Commerce of Al-Azhar University incidents"
Cairo Criminal Court, Police Cadets Institute, number of defendants 7
Charges: Joining a terrorist group, organizing a gathering intended to deliberately destroy public and private property at Al-Azhar University, threatening public officials, display of force, and threatening with violence in the riots at the university.
From the 15 October 2018 session for adding the amnesty decisions by the President of the Republic
30 - October 2018 |
Supporters of Jerusalem
Cairo Criminal Court, Police Cadets Institute, number of defendants 213
Charges: establishment and leadership of a terrorist group aimed at disrupting the provisions of the constitution and laws, and engaging with a foreign organization, Hamas, the military wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, the destruction of state facilities, premeditated murder, attempted murder and possession of weapons, ammunition and explosives
From the 23 October 2018 hearing to continue the hearing of witnesses
Detention renewal of journalist Shorouk Amgad
The Criminal Court
The detention renewal of Journalist Shorouk Amgad pending case no. 441 of 2018 State Security
Charges: Joining a group established contrary to the provisions of the law and spreading false news.
Detention renewal of Islam al-Refaei AKA "Khorm"
State Security Prosecution, Fifth Settlement, number of defendants 1
The detention renewal of blogger Islam al-Refaei AKA “Khrom” pending case no. 441 of 2018 State Security
Charges: Joining a terrorist group
31 - October 2018 |
Precautionary measures renewal for journalist Mervat al-Husseiny
State Security Prosecution, Fifth Settlement
Precautionary measures renewal for journalist Mervat al-Husseiny pending case no. 441 of 2018 Supreme State Security
Charges: Joining a group established contrary to the provisions of the law and spreading false news.
Detention renewal of journalist Mohammed Abu Zeid and others
State Security Prosecution, Fifth Settlement, number of defendants 3
The detention renewal of Moamen Hassan and journalists Mohammed Abu Zeid and Islam Gomaa pending case no. 441 of 2018 State Security
Charges: Joining a group established contrary to the provisions of the law and spreading false news
Detention Renewal of Ayman Abdel Moaty
State Security Prosecution, Fifth Settlement, number of defendants 1
The detention renewal of Ayman Abdel Moaty pending case no. 621 of 2018 State Security
Charges: Joining a group established contrary to the provisions of the law and misusing social networking websites.