
The Labor and Social Movements Monitoring Center is launching its newsletter monitoring the protest movement in Egypt in the first half of April 2021, during which 7 protests took place as follows:

  • Six protests organized by different social groups
  • Only one labor protest

The details of the protests can be summed up as follows:

First: The details of labor and professional protests 


Type of protest How many times it was organized  The protesting sector  The geographical region The details of the protest 
Protest vigil 1 Railway and transportation sector Cairo – Abbasia Workers at the Production units and Workshops of Egyptian Railways in Abbasiya district  organized a protest against the minister’s decision to extend the overtime working hours


Second: The details of social protests

Type of protest How many times it was organized  The protesting sector  The geographical region The details of the protest 
Suicide 1 Residential neighborhoods Cairo A driver committed suicide after passing through a financial distress
A suicide attempt 1 Residential neighborhoods Giza- Omranyia A tradesman attempted to kill himself due to financial disputes
Gathering 1 Residential neighborhoods Daqahlia – Dikirnis People from the Dekernes center in the Daqahlia governorate gathered in front of a morgue waiting for the coroner’s report to find out the reasons for the slaughter of a child
A protest vigil 1 Residential neighborhoods Giza- Dahshour Owners of the Cairo University housing project organized a protest against the increase in the prices of housing units.
Resignation from a university post 1 Academics and Higher Education Sector Giza- Cairo University A university professor submitted his resignation in protest against not providing him with legal support during his crisis
A collective complaint 1 Residential neighborhoods Cairo- Bab Al-Shearyia Residents of Bab Al-Sharia district signed a collective complaint demanding the evacuation of oil depots from the residential buildings/properties